Website support for Mad Dimension and Mandala Films

We have performed many different tasks in our work maintaining the websites of the movie companies Mad Dimension (Germany) and Mandala Films (New Zealand), such as:

  • Setup of human-readable URLs.
  • Facebook integration for the Mad Dimension site.
  • Changes in the footer on the Mandala Films site.

Fresh content is added to the sites as new movies are released (twice per month). These updates include:

  • Including a new movie in the catalog.
  • Creating a movie page.
  • Adding a movie background picture to the slider on the start page.

Technologies used: WordPress.

Project size: 6 hours per month.

What our clients say

Karl Wegener, Managing Director of PROMOTIONAL IDEAS
Karl Wegener, Managing Director of PROMOTIONAL IDEAS
itseedbed has been our partner since early 2015. We are consistently thrilled with their quality, speed, and attitude. Highly recommended!"