Social network for insurance agents

This social network is a place for insurance agents to meet, and a good opportunity for agents to introduce themselves to potential clients.

There insurance agents can exchange information, share experience, publish articles on specialized topics, and make professional contacts. At the same time, potential clients can find an agent in their city or region and establish contact.

Main functions:

  • Profile
  • Add friends
  • Send and receive messages
  • News
  • Forum
  • Registration
  • Login
  • Other basic social network functionality
  • Two types of users: Agents and Clients
  • Publication of articles
  • Administrator account able to manage users and articles
  • Agent search function, whose results can be sorted by geographic distance
  • Database integration with town/city GPS coordinates.

Technologies used: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, Apache/Mono, ADO.NET/MySQL.

Project size: 400 hours.

What our clients say

Karl Wegener, Managing Director of PROMOTIONAL IDEAS
Karl Wegener, Managing Director of PROMOTIONAL IDEAS
itseedbed has been our partner since early 2015. We are consistently thrilled with their quality, speed, and attitude. Highly recommended!"