itseedbed Sitemap

Churning out simple sites like clockwork!


We develop corporate mini-sites quickly and well. The simplest ones take under a week from start to finish. Before starting an order, we provide the client with a consultation to see whether use of specific technologies is justified.

You can view one of our most recent works in the Portfolio section.

This site was a very simple one indeed. Initially the client wanted to use the WordPress CMS, but we saw that it would be quicker and much cheaper to achieve the same goal using just ordinary HTML. Which is exactly what we ended up using! Development took just two days and everyone was happy: the client saved money and we reinforced our reputation.

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ul. G. Stalingrada 3, Il’ichevsk, Odesskaya obl.,

68004, Ukraine


+380 50 6348648 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)

email Click here to email me!
skype pavel.maslennikov
icq 312-427-296

© 2024 itseedbed