itseedbed Sitemap

Expanding horizons

Due to happenstance and history, itseedbed has certain core specialties. Yet we have never thought that we should settle for tunnel vision. That's why our specialists never sit on their laurels, but instead continue to learn new technologies. Thanks to this approach, we are not a "one-trick company". We offer our clients software development services that incorporate an impressive array of technologies. Here are a few of them:

Our list of technologies goes beyond just what is described here, so get in touch with us and we'll figure out the solution that works for you!


ul. G. Stalingrada 3, Il’ichevsk, Odesskaya obl.,

68004, Ukraine


+380 50 6348648 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)

email Click here to email me!
skype pavel.maslennikov
icq 312-427-296

© 2025 itseedbed